Faculty of Physics - University of Bucharest - Research Center "Theoretical Physics"


Experiments and measurements are the practical way of science but, sometimes, you just want more: answers to the “why?” question and a broad understanding of the fundamental underlying physics. The stage director (theoretical physicist) is behind the scenes for this play. The problems become more and more complex. Paper and pencil are no longer enough, so computational methods come in handy. The research center aims to form competences in the field of theoretical and computational physics, modelling of specific physical phenomena (e.g. of intense laser radiation with matter, quantum information, quantum gravity, quantum theory of many-body systems, nuclear and high energy physics etc.), and pursues the development of the practical application of the acquired knowledge. The results? The master students are hired in their field of study at the end of the program and/or continue with a PhD. We are waiting for you behind the scenes, dear future stage directors, in our broad national and international collaborations!


The research center offers students general competences related to the knowledge of theoretical methods and numerical calculation / simulation in the field of theoretical and computational physics, modelling of specific physical phenomena and pursues the development of the practical application of the acquired knowledge. A short presentation of our department (the groups of theoretical physics and mathematics) can be found here.

  • Preparing students for a successful career in the research & development sector in theoretical physics and computational physics (in research institutes or companies);
  • Learning the fundamentals in the essential fields of theoretical physics: quantum theory of identical particle systems with applications in atomic physics, nuclear physics and condensed state physics, relativistic quantum mechanics, quantum theory of fields and elementary particles including quantum electrodynamics, quantum chromodynamics and theory of quarks and gluons plasma, but also in quantum information and communication theory or gravity and cosmology;
Training of competences and skills related to:
  • understanding and ability to explain fundamental concepts of modern physics;
  • acquiring the ability to use specific theoretical methods;
  • the ability to use advanced numerical methods, to correlate experimental results with theoretical modelling;
  • use / development of specific software tools;
  • communication of own results and observations;
  • working in a research team and conducting interdisciplinary activities that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field;
  • research ethics and field-specific responsibilities
Ensuring inter-university exchanges / mobilities designed to encourage the rapid transfer of good practices in professional training and scientific research activities.



The degree of flexibility of the study programs are ensured through elective and optional course units. Course units of choice (elective) are proposed for each year. In the case of the optional disciplines, the credits obtained are mentioned additionally in the Student Records and the Diploma Supplement, according to the student's option. The procedure for conducting the didactic activities in the optional course units and for the registration of the marks / qualifications in the Diploma Supplement is specified in the Regulation regarding the professional activity of the students / Regulamentul privind activitatea profesională a studenţilor. The allocation of credits for the optional disciplines is done following the support of a form of verification specified in the course unit sheet. The credits obtained in the optional disciplines do not replace the credits for the compulsory and elective disciplines.


  • Nuclear Systems and Photonuclear Reactions
  • Artificial Intelligence and High Energy Physics
  • Quantum Optics
  • Quantum Information and Communication
  • Quantum Theory of Identical Particles
  • Quantum Electrodynamics
  • Quantum Theory of Fields
  • Advanced Quantum Mechanics
  • Extensions of the Standard Model of Elementary Particles
  • Gravity Theory and Cosmology
  • Hadronic Matter in Extreme Conditions and Quark-Gluon Plasma
  • Quantum Chromodynamics
  • Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Physics of Complex Systems
  • Interaction of Laser Radiation with Matter




Prof. dr. Virgil Baran virgil.baran@unibuc.ro
Lect. dr. Roxana Zus roxana.zus@fizica.unibuc.ro